Harriet Tubman
Harriet Ross Tubman (1820-1913): Abolitionist, Political Activist, and American Hero.
Born enslaved in Dorchester County, Maryland, Harriet showed signs of bravery early in life when she tried to intervene on behalf of a fellow slave that was being beaten for trying to escape. The head injury she sustained affected her for the rest of her life, sill, she persisted. That little girl grew up to be known as the “Moses of her people”. Not only did she escape slavery, she returned 13 times to lead approximately 70 other enslaved people to freedom using the Underground Railroad.
Harriet Tubman also served as a scout and spy for the United States Army, and nurse to sick and injured soldiers. After the war ended she became an activist for the women’s suffrage movement.
Harriet Tubman is an icon of courage and strength.

Link to Learn More:
Video about Harriet Tubman – Biography
Harriet Tubman – National Women’s History Museum
Harriet Tubman – Wikipedia
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