Her Story: Cheryl White

Clelbratign Black History Month with Georgia as Cheryl White. She Made History as a winning jockey.
Cheryl White

Cheryl White was the first woman to win five thoroughbred races in a single day at a major track on October 19, 1983. At the time of her record breaking wins she was one of only three black female jockeys in the United States. 

In 1990, she was presented an Award of Merit by the African-American Sports Hall of Fame. White passed the California Horse Racing Board’s Steward examination in 1991 and began serving as a racing official at various California tracks.

In White’s 21 years of racing, she won 750 races. Cheryl White was one of racing’s pioneers. #shemadehistory

About The Author


Mother, Photographer, Wisecracker.... not necessarily in that order.


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