Her Story: Barbara Hilary

Georgia as Barbra Hilary
Georgia as
Barbara Hilary

Barbara Hilary (1931) was the first African-American woman to reach the north pole in 2007. Five years later Hilary made history again when she stepped foot on the South Pole (at age 79), becoming the first African-American woman on record to reach both poles.

Before Hilary became an adventure she had a long career in nursing. She graduated from New York University with a Masters degree in Gerontology. Hilary has been a community activist, she is co-founder and editor-in-chief of “The Peninsula Magazine”, a multi-racial nonprofit publication in Queens, New York.

Hilary survived breast cancer in her 20s and lung cancer in her 60s which became the impetus for her adventures. Since her expeditions to both polls, she has become an inspirational speaker around the world. Her mission is to encourage people to live life to the fullest. This spunky, smart, driven woman isn’t done exploring, she is currently traveling in Mongolia. We can’t wait to hear about her next adventure!

Link to Learn:

Follow her adventures here: BarbraHilary.com

The New Yorker :Top of the World

About The Author


Mother, Photographer, Wisecracker.... not necessarily in that order.

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